New ideas and constant further development are the driving force behind HERR Industry System. Our customers know that our name stands for well thought-through construction and durable, sustainable solutions. We insist that our products be re-evaluated over and over again in order to find further ways to increase their productivity, functionality and safety. Our continuous commitment to our customers and employees results in innovative, practical quality products.
Today companies face global competition. In high-wage countries in particular, they are therefore forced to continually optimize and streamline internal processes in order to increase their productivity and remain competitive.
HERR Industry System filter systems support you in three ways:
Firstly, the comparatively low investment and maintenance costs lower the costs per workpiece, and secondly, they protect the health of your employees, which is noticeable in lower downtime and illness. Thirdly, make sure you’re not just complying with regulatory requirements, you are exceeding them.
E-mobility: a future-oriented market
Keeping the air healthy in the workplace is a good thing. Being part of a manufacturing process for environmentally friendly driving tops it all. This summer we successfully …
Inhouse research & development department for extraction technology
In many manufacturing companies it is now a common practice to purchase individual components for their own products. This sometimes happens…
Producing goods environmentally friendly – naturally at HERR Industry System
When it comes to optimizing production processes, companies are increasingly focusing on sustainability. Consumers are specifically…